We offer a range of tracing and status confirmation services that help to protect and reduce the number of business debtors while assisting with the recovery process for those who do default;
- Debtor Tracing
- Asset Tracing
- Status Confirmation Searches
Each and every year, millions of pounds of debt are written-off because the debtors move on without leaving any forwarding address or contact details. We are specialists in providing a range of tracing techniques and services that are designed to quickly and accurately locate those ‘difficult to find’ debtors.
Effective tracing requires a mix of science, systems and experience. Through our own market leading systems and resources, coupled with our extensive network of tracing partners, we are able to locate debtors discreetly and efficiently using a combination of data from Public Bodies, Credit Reference Agencies and open source information.
We offer a comprehensive range of trace techniques and bespoke services all designed to meet any client’s budgetary and timescale restraints. Depending on the information you have and the level of service you require, we are confident that our tracing services can help recover monies from even the most elusive debtors.
Before deciding to pursue any form of recovery action, it may well be necessary to establish if the debtor has any assets of note to go after, where they are and the likelihood of recovery.
Our capabilities include human and intellectual resources, analytical and data tools, investigative and forensic technology and information and intelligence gathering skills. We have access and close working relationships with a number of key specialists representing a variety of different skill sets. We can call on all of this in addition to our wealth of experience to apply to any number of assignments including; locating cash, securities and other assets whilst providing a clear audit trail to support any claims.
These checks are rapidly becoming an essential support service in the war on reducing debt. Utilised by a wide range of companies who are typically built upon a high-volume customer base. Businesses like this are at even greater risk when they fall within a sector that traditionally provides a range of goods and/or services in advance of payment. Operating within this type of industry can leave a business incredibly venerable to the risk of large volume, low value defaulting accounts. Common business areas such as;
- Local authorities
- Insurance companies
- Utility providers
- Trade account providers
- Wholesalers
- Funding agencies
Clearly a high-volume of low to medium sized debtors equates to huge potential losses for the business coupled with the fact that many companies do not have the time or resource to chase-up these non-paying accounts. The time and cost involved in locating, chasing and recovering the debt more often than not, results in the debt being written-off.
By periodically sample checking the continued status of your client base, specifically the ones who have already shown the tell-tale signs of possible trading issues (late payments, trading over their credit limit, not responding to correspondence etc) is proven to significantly reduce the amount of defaulting accounts.
Lawrence Lynsey can undertake high-volume client address checks, review them in-line with your currently held data and then check against respective credit agencies. Primarily used as a first line precaution and as part of the company’s duty of care to its shareholders, these status confirmation checks can be used to highlight and demonstrate early warnings against the potential of defaulting customers and return a dramatic reduction in bad debts.
As an example;
An insurance company has 30,000 customers that pay for their insurance via monthly payments. An estimated 7% of policy holders default on a monthly payment throughout the year. The average monthly repayment has been calculated at £47 per month. Month 1 after the default payment, the company issues a chase-up letter. At the end of month 2, the policy gets cancelled. The customer goes elsewhere for insurance and the direct loss to the company is calculated as follows;
2,100 defaulting customers @ £47.00 per month = £98,700.00 over 2 months = £197,400.00